For Good

I just watched this video and had a cathartic experience.  As I listened to the song I began to think about how so many people come in and out of our lives having touched us for good or bad. Then I thought we have to remember that there is a lot of good things that will change us for the better for good. I love the title for it's "double entendre" of being changed for good or the better and the other meaning, which is the most important, changed forever.  As I was listening to the song I began to cry and my emotion poured out of me. It felt amazing and it inspired me to realize that even though America feels broken that good will float above all this negativity.  That good things that will help to ease the suffering of all African Americans and these changes of good will remain for good. That all the actions in the streets will create change for good.

The first thing I teach my Introduction to Theatre is that "Theatre" is an that is alive and is meant to help you to have a cathartic experience about humanity. Theatre is for the world and wants to help us empathize and understand each other for the love of humanity. For the sake of humanity. Things are very broken and it all boils down to not loving our fellow man. We live in a Christian Society that seems to pick and choose which neighbors we decide to love.  No more on this point because you can argue that the world will never be perfect and I'm thinking of an "ideal" world.  Your damn right I am!  We need to talk and connect with each other so we can become civilized!  The world isn't going to end, but we need to fight to find our way back to civilization. Art and Theatre open up a dialogue so humanity can have a conversation about our world and hopefully change it for good. The protests we are watching are theatre. The voice of a fed up, hurt and angry group of people being brought to life on the world stage.  Shakespeare said long ago "All the world's a stage.."  It is very true! I attached a link to refresh your memory.

Sadly, to many people take it for granted. Rendering it powerless through ignorance. Yet, throughout history artists have harnessed it's power for good and more often than not has been quietly smothered by people in power.  Our Founding Fathers understood the power of the word and Theatre takes words and breathes life into them empowering them even more.

So to wrap up.  We must repeat it over and over again until our ears bleed "Black lives matter!". George Floyd is one victim who is a symbol for everyone who came before him. The world is weird right now and the song below helped to give back some feeling of normalcy. The world can be a better place and there is a lot of good in the world. Like all the classes of high school seniors who didn't get to do a proper graduation this year being encouraged by a couple of artists with beautiful voices to go out and change the world for good. The next generation is out in those streets fighting for their God given rights. Change is hard and it is why people are resistant to it, but we need to love our fellow man above all else.  We need to care for each other more. We need to believe that we can all change the world for good.  Listen to the song and be entertained by the thoughts and feelings you have. Peace and love!


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