
For Good

I just watched this video and had a cathartic experience.  As I listened to the song I began to think about how so many people come in and out of our lives having touched us for good or bad. Then I thought we have to remember that there is a lot of good things that will change us for the better for good. I love the title for it's "double entendre" of being changed for good or the better and the other meaning, which is the most important, changed forever.  As I was listening to the song I began to cry and my emotion poured out of me. It felt amazing and it inspired me to realize that even though America feels broken that good will float above all this negativity.  That good things that will help to ease the suffering of all African Americans and these changes of good will remain for good. That all the actions in the streets will create change for good. The first thing I teach my Introduction to Theatre is that "Theatre" is an that is alive and is meant to help


Trump at a rally "Politicizes" the Coronavirus while the crowd boos while he in the moment "Politicizes" the Coronavirus for his own purpose.  This is political theatre at it's best. Trump complains about the what the Democrats are doing while doing the exact same thing in that exact moment. Trump Speech politicize [pəˈlidəˌsīz] VERB politicise  (verb) cause (an activity or event) to become political in character. "the administration did not want to politicize a tragedy" make (someone) politically aware or active. "we successfully politicized a generation of women" engage in or talk about politics. "we talk and squabble and politicize about education as a vote-catching agency" ·  [more]